Local Cinemas
There are several cinemas in and around Ewha. Find out all about what each cinema offers, before you go!
Lunchtime Options
When the lunch time is very short, it is hard to find a quick and good meal. But don't worry, because we found five eating places that will not only provide you with fast service, but also with delicious and cheap food.
Cakeshops Near Ewha
Feeling hungry for a delicious snack? Feel like you are due to indulge yourself? Go on, you deserve it. Come with us as we explore some wonderful cakeshops in the Ewha area.
Chinese Tourists: Unwelcome Visitors?
Chinese tourists have flocked to Korea in recent years and Ewha is a hot spot on their travel plans. What is it about Korea and what is it about Ewha that attracts the Chinese?
International Students
Ewha University has many international students each semester. We wanted to know what they thought were the good and bad things about living in Korea and studying at Ewha, so we interviewed several foreign students to find out.